quarta-feira, 28 de agosto de 2019

FOR THE ISSUE OF RESPECT: THE IMPORTANCE OF THE DICTIONARY (THE FATHER OF DONKEYS) (Dictionary is also called as “the father of donkeys”, a kind of Stereotype that the language achieves)


Boanerges Cezário*

 When it had not computer, Internet, Google, Bing or other tools of research, one of the books more important to the citizen was the DICTIONARY.
 I remember that I had an English Teacher called Luiz Antônio, who said: “ every time that you learnt a word underlined it, because after you will find more quickly”. But the Portuguese Teacher said that we shall to walk with a dictionary in our pocket to look, any unknown word that appeared, we could look to find the meaning.
 The time was passing by and I have discovered how it was good to play with finding words e finding each meanings. After that, came crossword puzzles, word search puzzles, Torto(a kind of play that you have to find words in curve lines) and other ones plays and hobby interesting, as my favorite one, flick through the dictionary and find new words.
 Certain time flicking through the Didactic dictionary from SM Editora, found the meaning of a genius word, but no one reflects about, just the children were obligated to listen to and practice it: RESPECT.
The dictionary presented the following definition to the word Respect: “ S.m. Consideration and recognizing from the value of something or of someone”.
What is more important, beyond to learn the meaning of this word and of the other ones, is to live, and one of more important questions about respect is that, to be respected, is need to know how to respect, what, in much cases, does not happen.
Moreover, we are in the postmodern age, the age of rights, of laws, of social intense relationship, where everyone has rights, or thinks that has. The problem is no one today want to respect life, the sexual option, the religion, the football team, opinion, the other space.
 The Handicapped Vacancies in the parking lot are a good example. Those are full of occupants that has a good health and do not need special necessities, but is because “they going to solve a problem quickly”, they occupied the space destined to someone who are disabled, they has the right to the exclusive vacancies in the parking lot public or private.
 I dare to affirm, therefor, to learn Portuguese, the beautiful of Semantic, or the difficult comprehension of Syntax, “during the old times”, it was resumed to find a new world without clicks, without plugs or net. It was “hard”, but the respect was practiced. However that we did not know the meaning, it made constant in our lives. “The Respect was a question of Education”, as well as my parents said. Today, many things changed. The people learn with more facility, surfing on the internet. The knowledge is just one click. However the RESPECT it looks that has eliminated from the database or even from the dictionary. And what we have to say about the human culture? The respect looks to have get into extinction. It became, for many, an old fashioned word.

Free translation
 by Sandra Silva


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