segunda-feira, 3 de junho de 2019

EVERY JACK TO HIS TRADE (the beginning to management phagocytic)

Boanerges Cezario*

Before that the group who thinks is political correctly comes to correct me and comes to make question about the expression above, may a I take this opportunity to say that I took this expression from a website:
            There is also a song, made by the compositor Riachão, whose song is in the memory of everyone, and it was sung by Caetano e Gil.
             But what I am talking the expression above?
            Because there is a rumour spread around the Brazilian Public Management of to give opinion about attributions, competences e functions of others.
            There is a chaos increase as ameba, that multiplies and divides in two parts. There are ways that bifurcates, that bifurcates, that bifurcates…
            So that manager who thinks is more important or smart promotes your own particular phagocytosis.
            For those who not remember, in periods of ENEM, is good to know what is phagocytosis:
            Now, If a manager invades the area from other saying that what he has to do, what motives he has to do this?
I.                   This is an phagocytes action, that is,“digest” the other one;
II.                It is because he thinks he can to stay in the other’s place;
III.              It is because he understands that the other one not understand what he has to do;
IV.              It is because the chaos settled down and whatever opinion is going help;

       But if any of that solutions above is going right, the institution will affected by a tremendous intestinal dysbiosis with states of diarrhea.

       All the care is too little, that is the importance to looking for a specialist in the case, to prevent greater “intestinal disorders”.
       But if you, the reader, has another option, what would be?


Free translation
 by Sandra Silva


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